Monday, June 15, 2015

As you can see, I have revamped my blog. New Direction = New Blog.

So here is what's happening...

Step 1:  Renew expired Passport - check.
It's kind of sad to lose all of the fun stamps I've collected in the last 10 years - Costa Rica, Belize, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Hong Kong - but also very exciting to see all of the blank pages yet to be filled with all new destinations. 

Step 2:  Apply for tourist visa to India - check (I still need to go to Chicago to turn in the final paperwork, which is happening in 2 weeks.  This seems to be the best and quickest way to secure a visa for India). 

Step 3:  Learn some Hindi before my trip.
Today I went ALL-IN and purchased Rosetta Stone's Hindi program.  I'm looking forward to some hardcore language learning over the next few months.  

Step 4:  Book tickets